Inside The Video Game Industry

A podcast about living and learning in the age of screentime. Welcome to Episode #7. Inside the Video Game Industry.

Moments from our lives: Ian and Kristen talk to a video game producer about the role and purpose of video games in our lives.

What we’re reading:

Perrin, A. (September 2018). 5 facts about Americans and video games.  Pew Research Center.

In the U.S., the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) maintains a system for educating “consumers, especially parents” by offering guidance and information about each game. The rating system includes a basic rating (six categories from Early Childhood to Adults Only), content descriptions, and a list of interactive elements.

Parent friendly video game reviews from Common Sense Media, PixelKin, Ask About Games, PluggedIn, Everybody Plays.

Special Guest: Matthew Hawley, Lead Producer, Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment

Big questions/Takeaway: What are video game developers trying to create?  What does the purpose behind the creation mean for us as teachers/parents when we consider the games we bring into our children’s/teens’ lives?  Kristen and Ian learn about the concept of “budgeting” in video game design and apply it to education and parenting. Ian learns that gamers can be “salty.”

About the author

Ian O'Byrne

Dr. W. Ian O’Byrne is a educator, researcher, & speaker. His work centers on teaching, learning, and technology. He investigates the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online & hybrid spaces.

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