Video Games – Balance, aggression, & setting limits

A podcast about living and learning in the age of screentime. Welcome to Episode #6. Video games – balance, aggression, & setting limits.

What we’re reading:

The Netflix quarterly report claimed that it competes for screen time with Fortnite more than it does HBO. “We earn consumer screen time, both mobile and television, away from a very broad set of competitors.” Think about that for a minute, and consider the growing place of gaming in our lives as screens fight for our attention.

Violent Video Games and Aggression” by Lauren Goldbeck and Alex Pew, National Center for Health Research.

Big questions/Takeaway:

Kristen and Ian talk about the positives and negatives of video games and suggest that parents need to monitor, to interact about the games, and to set limits so that kids learn to reflect and set their own limits.

About the author

Ian O'Byrne

Dr. W. Ian O’Byrne is a educator, researcher, & speaker. His work centers on teaching, learning, and technology. He investigates the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online & hybrid spaces.

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  • Are we a City of Laws or is it up to the whims of the Administration? Why is it so hard to follow the law? If Members were participating in violation of their adopted rules then they were not upholding their Oath of Office.I, _____, do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington, and all local ordinances, and that I will faithfully and impartially perform and discharge the duties of the office of _____, according to the law and the best of my ability.Roberts Rules of OrderPart IVMEETINGS AND STRATEGIESChapter 16 – Meetings A meeting, as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order, is a single official gathering of the members of an organization in one room, with a quorum present to transact business. The members do not leave the meeting, except for a short recess, until the business has been completed or the chair declares the meeting adjourned. This chapter covers the many types of formal meetings (including conventions and mass meetings) and informal meetings (small board and committee meetings), and it discusses the pros and cons of electronic meetings. It also explains how to manage and evaluate meetings and how to form strategies – and counterstrategies – for meetings.If there is a bonafide need to have remote participation then atleast pass a resolution or ordinance as required. Make sure it satisfies the Open Meetings Act, which has some hurdles. How will members see all the evidence of hard paper had in by the Citizens? How do you assure that the connection is solid and no drop outs of testimony? Do not the Citizens have a right to observe their elected officials at work? It can be done but at what cost. I personally find the motivation more to “satisfy” the 70 participation requirement than to actually participate. There is a reason why a Quorum is not full attendance but half plus 1, the job of the Council is to get work done not to be self-serving to the Members. If you cannot be present then don’t take the job. Is it about “you” or the citizens? However, if with valid debate, and consideration it is decided on then fine. I would only ask that the Council look at other Municipalities that do allow for it in limited circumstances and consider their reasoning.A second issue is why are we paying $41,000 a month (or more) to a Law Firm that after 4 years does not even have a rudimentary grasp of the Code. It is not rocket science, most cities have similar needs and processes. It takes about 8 mouse clicks to get to the relevant part of the Code for the process to enforce the Code.20.110.040 Enforcement procedures.A. Order to Correct Violation.B. Notice of Civil Violation.1. Issuance. If the person responsible for the violation fails to correct or cause the correction of the violation within the time given by the order to correct the violation, a notice of civil violation will be issued to each person to whom the order to correct violation directed.2. Issuance in an Emergency or for Repeat Violations. The community services director or his/her designee may issue a notice of civil violation without having issued an order to correct where an emergency exists or a repeated violation occurs.E. Abatement by the City. If the violation has not been corrected by the time ordered by the violations hearing examiner, or by the correction date ordered by the notice of civil violation, an abatement notice shall be sent by mail to the person responsible for the violation at their last known address, shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the site or served personally on the person responsible for the violation no less than 10 working days prior to abatement by the city. The city, its employees or agents are expressly authorized to enter said property for the purposes of abatement of said violation. The actual cost of abatement, including any incidental cost such as, but not limited to: staff time; legal costs; cost of postage or service; and any other reasonable, incidental cost shall be calculated and added to the monetary penalties. The city shall be free to employ appropriate contractors to remedy the situation and may pass through all costs of such contractors as incidental costs of abatement.Since when does the City Attorney have the power to make “Rulings”. He gives advice that the Administration and Council are by Oath bound to analyse and if inappropriate NOT follow especially if it breaks Laws or Rules.2.05.020 Duties.A. The city attorney shall advise the city authorities and officers on all legal matters pertaining to the business of the city and shall approve all ordinances as to form. He shall represent the city in all actions brought by or against the city or against city officials in their official capacities.In her own words last night it appears that the Council President has a sever mis-understanding of the City Attorney’s duties and authority.Simply this is all on the Mayor. He allows Members to interrupt each other and plays them against each other. He is responsible to enforce the laws of the City and the efficient running of the various departments. He should know exactly who has authority to enforce the code, which by the way is Shane Hope, the Development Services Department Director. It should not have been in any way a question to the City Attorney. The Mayor s flat out not taking responsibility.xIgnored

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