Beyond the “Screentime” Debate:
Developing Digital and Media Literacies with Youth and Teens
Consent to Participate in Research
You are invited to participate in a research study. This research, to be conducted by Drs. W. Ian O’Byrne and Kristen Turner, is designed to provide insight into the time youth spend on digital devices, with whom, and for what purposes
Participation in this research study will involve you engaging and responding to prompts in an open discussion forum about the topic of screentime in our lives and society. You will be asked to respond to our original prompts, as well as other prompts shared by other participants. This is an open, online discussion about these topics.
You will create and share your own content in an open, online discussion for this research project. As such, your content will share any identifying information that you share with your content. As we conduct research and analyze these findings, we will share quotes, links, and information from the content shared in the discussion. You will be given an opportunity to review the section of our report in which your quote appears before completion of the research.
Your responses will be kept in a password protected online space for educational and analysis purposes.
Although it is not anticipated that you will benefit directly through your involvement in this study, this research is expected to benefit educators globally by testing important research questions about literacy and technology inclusion practices in many educational contexts by identifying how educators use these technologies in instruction and what need they may have to further enhance education.
We know of no risk or discomfort associated with this research.
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may discontinue participation at any time.
If you have any questions concerning this research study please contact Dr. O’Byrne at (843) 953-3376 or You may also contact Research Protections & Compliance on the Office of Research and Grants Administration, at 843-953-7421 or e-mail if you have questions or concerns about research review at the College of Charleston or your rights as a research participant. You will be given a copy of this form to keep.
This research has been reviewed by the Human Research Protections Program at the College of Charleston.
I understand that my completion of the survey and interview signifies my consent to participate in this research project.