Calling all parents

The debate surrounding “screentime” includes assumptions about access to and the ways people engage with technology. These debates are increasingly shaped by standardization, testing, and commercialization without paying attention to the multiple functions of literacy in our everyday lives. As literacy educators who are versed in scholarship and pedagogy that focuses on the use of screens, we must bring our voices to a larger conversation and consider whether agency surrounding the effects of screentime lies in technology, adults, or students themselves.

How do we navigate our own parenting lives when we are immersed in a field that values critical and creative use of devices, both in school and out, in order to build skills that are necessary for success in today’s world?  

What challenges do we parents face?

How do we approach parenting in an age of screentime?


Please respond in the comments below to let us know your thoughts.

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About the author

Ian O'Byrne

Dr. W. Ian O’Byrne is a educator, researcher, & speaker. His work centers on teaching, learning, and technology. He investigates the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online & hybrid spaces.

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