Moving beyond the screentime debate – NCTE 2018

In the call for proposals to the 2018 NCTE Conference, Franki Sibberson stated, “Digital tools invite our students to document and share their experiences with the world and to connect with others….”  These words reflect arguments made by researchers and educators across the field of digital literacies.

In contrast, some research suggests that “screentime” is problematic, perhaps even addicting, and arguments that children’s use of screens should be limited abound (Carr, 2010; Dunckley, 2015). There are legitimate concerns about children’s physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being; yet conversations about screentime focus predominantly on the time spent on devices, often overlooking fundamentally important questions about what youth are learning by using technology.

How do we navigate our own parenting lives when we are immersed in a field that values critical and creative use of devices, both in school and out, in order to build skills that are necessary for success in today’s world?  What challenges do we as educators and parents face? How do we approach parenting in an age of screentime?

The session brings together teachers and researchers, all of whom hold dual roles as literacy educators and parents, to spark a much-needed conversation about screentime in our field. We are considered experts in this area, yet we sometimes struggle with how to negotiate these spaces.

Please leave your tips, tricks, and research resources on this Google Doc.

The agenda for the session is available is on the Google Doc embedded below.

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About the author

Ian O'Byrne

Dr. W. Ian O’Byrne is a educator, researcher, & speaker. His work centers on teaching, learning, and technology. He investigates the literacy practices of individuals as they read, write, and communicate in online & hybrid spaces.

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