Screentime with my daddy

Katie Paciga is a parent, educator, and Literacy researcher. She presented at a recent session on screentime at the 2018 meeting of the Literacy Research Association in Palm Springs, California.

The paper for her research is available at this Google Doc. Feel free to read and comment on the materials.

The video below shares her presentation from the conference.

This only includes the first piece of the presentation. Forthcoming recordings will include the other parts of the study: results related to the participants’ learning about feminism, power, and race. 

One consistent bit of feedback I received from my awesome colleagues at the conference was that I need to include a theoretical framework. I’m considering using a critical self-reflection frame with a critical literacy theory as an overlay. One of my colleagues, Ian O’Byrne, has a really nice piece about critical literacy that you should review if you find yourself asking why I did this study.

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

This was originally published at

About the author

Katie Paciga

Katie A. Paciga, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Education at Columbia College Chicago. She studies early language and literacy development and children's media.

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